Happy New Year!
Technically yesterday was the first day of 2015, but following a rather indulgent NYE, yesterday was a total write-off. And if anyone saw a scarecrow-like creature sleeping/drooling on the train back from Brighton... No. That definitely was not me.
I always like to think of a new year as a fresh start (original, right? At least I'm not posting an inspirational quote on Instagram), and this year I plan to get myself back on track in terms of health. Fit not thin, strong not skinny... You know the drill. It's my 21st birthday in a matter of days, and therefore I really ought to get myself together. I even bought new trainers - am I thin yet?
I'm going to veer away from the word 'detox' or 'cleanse', but that's pretty much the plan. I've been cooking from Deliciously Ella's recently updated app, and I'm feeling much better for it already - the bean stew and aubergine bowl are particularly scrumptious. I've also been drinking much more water to try and flush out all the toxins from the party season. It is time, my friends, to well and truly beat the bloat.
Next week I'm going to review a 1-day post-Christmas cleanse from the wonderful Detox Kitchen, but in the meantime I'm going to pack in some healthy, nutritious meals and a little bit of gentle exercise to boot.
If you're trying to be good, too, then I'm sure you'll love this salmon recipe from The Detox Kitchen. As delicious as it is nutritious, this flavoursome dish matches protein-rich oily fish with anti-inflammatory kale and bloat-beating fennel to ease your digestion.
Roasted salmon with butternut squash, kale and fennel with a lemon yogurt dressing
You will need:
* 2 portions of salmon, remove the skin
* ½ butternut squash
* 1 fennel bulb
* 2 stems of Kale, picked and washed
* 1 tps. Fennel seeds
* 200g-soya yogurt
* 1 lemon
* Salt and pepper
* Coconut oil
* 1 minced garlic clove
* Flaked almonds
1. Peel and slice the butternut squash into medium size chunks.
2. In a roasting tray add a heaped teaspoon of coconut oil, the butternut squash, salt and pepper and the fennel seeds.
3. Cook on a high temperature until tender.
4. Five minutes before removing the butternut squash from the heat, add the thinly sliced fennel.
5. During this time add another small teaspoon of coconut oil to another baking tray, add the salmon and roast for approximately 25 minutes.
6.Quick fry the kale in a very hot pan with coconut oil, garlic, salt and pepper.
7. Mix together the butternut squash and kale mixture.
8. Add a splash of lemon juice to the soya-yogurt, with a some salt and pepper.
9. Serve the salmon on the bed of vegetables with a small drizzle of the yogurt lemon dressing. Add a sprinkling of almonds for an extra protein punch. Serve with fennel frong tea.
10. Wait to cool then pop into your lunchbox ready for tomorrow’s lunch.
Recipe from The Detox Kitchen.
Recipe from The Detox Kitchen.