
Mother's Day Gift Guides: Yum Mum

Nothing makes a woman feel better than chocolate. Fact. 

Okay, that's maybe not the case for everyone, but I personally have yet to be faced with something so stressful that a Nutella-smothered digestive wont fix. And a box of tangy or creamy or crunchy chocolates is all the more stress-relieving and uplifting. Thus, mother's day is the perfect excuse to buy a tonne of choccies for your mum, with every intention of pinching one yourself.

Or you could go down the cake route. Buy them at the Hummingbird or go all Nigella and make a delicious cake yourself (by, ahem, Nigella). A coffee and walnut number always goes down a storm!

As far as sweet treats goes, however, I would happily give birth if it meant my kiddies would buy me macaroons from Laduree- the rose ones are just heaven! Failing that, i'd happily take the "All About Mum" Sleekster from Hotel Chocolat... Presumably I can still eat them despite being a proud mother of none?

SHOPPERS TIP! If you're buying your mum some chocolate, always go to Artisan du Chocolat in Selfridges. They have the best selection of chocolates ever, and their salted caramels and golden chocolate pearls are delectable. The best part? The Selfridges concession often gives out freebies! The embarrassing part? I think the shop assistant recognises me as I visit so frequently...

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