I spent last evening baking and decorating the Primrose Bakery recipe gingerbread men (as pictured below- the Rasta snowman was my mother's fine work) and watching Love Actually for the fourth time this year... Sad? Oui. Boring? Non, non, non.
Not to go all Mary Berry on ya, but the Primrose Bakery cookbook is actually full of baking delights and temptations, and after spending many evenings with my London girls attempting gingerbread men that have often been pretty shocking, I can safely say that this gingerbread dough was perfect! Held it's shape and all, but don't make our mistake and forget to space the biccies far enough apart. A heart merged with a tree and a bell which looked pretty ridiculous and ruined Christmas for all (I kid, I kid.)
I then proceeded to munch on a biscuit *cough* three biscuits during the beautiful Love Actually, and all wrapped up in my dad's old cashmere jumper with the dull flicker of our tree lights- I felt seriously, seriously Christmassy and felt a countdown was required on the blog!
So here's a little Christmassy number to get you feeling all the more excited about the big day!