Have a spare £1065? Well direct yourself to netaporter and purchase these absolutely delectable boots from YSL. They are perfect for getting that on-trend fetish look this season and are beyond gorgeous. I. Want.
They are also just the perfect taster for my upcoming feature on the blog about this trend and how easy it will be to translate into high street and wearable fashion. From the catwalk and the magazines to your own wardrobe- will a pair of handcuffs and a leather corset really work? Well i'll keep you posted- be sure to check out "Naughty or Nice" which I hope to publish on Wednesday on SWfashion! Here are some of my favourite relevant images from my favourite AW glossies- total genius courtesy of LOVE magazine and Pop. Definitely, definitely buy both. A feast for the eyes and a perfect excuse to redecorate your bedroom with some of the AH-mazing AW fashion shoots. Puure indulgence.