
The New Ice Cream Van!

Firstly- I. Need. An. iPad. Now! God bless my dad for bringing his on holiday and allowing me the pathetic bliss of Internet/ blog access, because I was finding it pretty tricky living this out of sync with civilisation!

Naturally i'm having a great time in piedmont but am currently taking a little break to bring myself bang up to date with what is going on in the uk!

WeLl, if you are lucky enough to be living in any of the above mentioned cities you are in for a Topshop treat! As much as I love a massively decadent ice cream (ideally, if you are from edinburgh as most of my readers are, a Lucas ice cream sundae with a tonne of syrupy sweet Amerana cherries topped up with vanilla ice cream and chocolate shavings- aaah bliss!) I have become increasingly fond of frozen yoghurt- and it is the latest gastronomic trend to hit the uk! The time of the frozen frube is over with chains of Snog popping up all over London (I'm destined to get seriously fat when I move to London- Snog, Hummingbird Bakery AND Laduree? Hiya chub!)which has made frozen yoghurt oh so cool and refreshingly low cal to boot!

As ever, Topshop have not failed to cotton on to this little craze with their twist on the great British icon of the ice cream truck allowing you guys to buy a little frozen yoghurt and have the opportunity to win a number of stylish prizes! Find out more on the inside out blog or follow Topshop on Twitter to make darn sure you don't miss out like poor old me!

Ah well... I'll make do with a gelato over here thanks!
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