
Royal Wedding!

"Is that the champagne?"
"Nah it's Red Bull and vodka!"

Hearing this whilst watching Daybreak and BBC this morning (flicking between the two), I could not help but feel strangely proud to be british. The royal wedding has brought so many people together, and it has me in such a good mood!

I skipped downstairs this morning- around half past 7, might I add,- singing "Will's getting married in the morning! Ding, dong the bells are going to chime!". My mum laughed at me as I proclaimed that this was "just like Christmas!".

I may have looked a bit of a loser, bounding out of my house in blue eyeliner and red lippy, with red and blue nails and a red handbag (I had to take off my blue t-shirt with a union flag pinned to it- feeling a little bit silly...). I'm still having such fun, waving my flag as the Queen pops out of her taxi in a lemon skirt suit- only Elizabeth could pull that off!

It's got me in such a happy mood, this community spirit that the UK is usually totally devoid of. BBQ's, street parties and drinking, this is a monumentous occasion in Brit history.

And she wore McQueen! So chuffed. No matter how "safe" her style usually is, Kate looked phenomenal. All sheer lace and tiny nipped in silhouette, Kate knows just how dress appropriately. Now am I free to get back to my champagne? I can safely say I love the Royal Wedding!
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