It's always a little bit eclectic- the latest collection comprises of skeleton socks, breton tees, leopard print and rich, dyed sheath dresses- but it's all about how you wear it that can make it so stunning. The S/S mainline collection from MeadhamKirchhoff really kickstarted that dipdye hair trend, as well as including some gorgeously unique looks. It's all about eradicating that idea of "good taste"- dressing how you want and still looking amazing.
Read more about the designers on the Topshop blog (which is a fantastic blog- would you expect anything less from Toppers though?).
In an interview with Topshop, Edward Meadham and Benjamin Kirchhoff described the aesthetic of their latest collection:
"Our Topshop collection is about this whole mix of finding anything that you think is lovely and not considering whether or not it’s tasteful, or valuable, or coherent somehow. It’s about coming across anything you like and thinking ‘yes!’"
It may all look a little bit mad, but it's really all in the way you wear it! Clash your patterns and channel that gothic-princess vibe with wispy hair and dark eyes to get the MeadhamKirchhoff look that is so right just now.
shop the collection here.