
Decarnin leaves Balmain

Just as the fashion world had settled after the Galliano controversy, another shock has arisen. Well it's not much of a shock really, as the rumour mill flowed with issues on Decarnin's health and dubious relationships with colleagues, but it's still quite sad to see the man who kickstarted the mighty Balmania leave!

Christophe Decarnin has been at the French house since 2005 and has very much enlivened the ailing fashion house. I adored his super sexy approach to fashion- championed by everyone from Emmanuelle Alt (my current obsession) to Kate Moss- and e showed us how easy it is to make super-sexy, super-cool... If you have a spare couple of thousand that is...

Despite the price tag being pretty steep, I still wish I got a piece of the Balmain action- this green dress is one of the most iconic Balmain by Decarnin pieces, and embodies his style. But who will replace him? Deja vu!...
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